Our goal is to make beverage cans the preferred choice for drinks packaging
Our mission
The Can Makers Committee gives the UK’s beverage can industry a unified voice by bringing together can manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials, and related industries.
Our mission is to proactively position and support the positive attributes and image of beverage cans through joint marketing, environmental and technical initiatives.
We also aim to represent the industry’s views and voice opinions so stakeholders understand how metal packaging contributes to the circular economy.

What we do
We communicate
We communicate the can’s benefits as a drinks package to brand owners, retailers and consumers in a consistent and dynamic way
We monitor
We monitor the beverage can’s environmental performance and support recycling programmes
We commission
We commission and distribute research demonstrating the can’s advantages
We coordinate
We coordinate with stakeholders for the benefit of our members
We develop
Our expert technical commissions develop good practise guidelines to enhance the industry’s reputation for safety and reliability, ensuring members’ compliance with technical and legal standards.
If you are looking for someone to can your beverage, set up a canning line, or need help with your can design, you can find a list of companies and organisations to get you started here.
About Metal Packaging Europe
The Can Makers is a member of Metal Packaging Europe.
Metal Packaging Europe gives Europe’s rigid metal packaging industry a unified voice, by bringing together manufacturers, suppliers, and national associations.
The membership covers more than 300 manufacturing sites, employing over 60,000 people. 80% of member companies are small and medium-sized enterprises. Together, they produce some 85bn units every year for the beverage, food, health & beauty, household and industrial markets.